
Like Corbyn, I've struggled with veganism

Thanks to Jeremy Corbyn for talking openly about his struggle to convert from vegetarianism to veganism.

Now, many of you may not know this, but I've been vegetarian for the last eight-and-a -bit years. When I first became vegetarian it was often a struggle to get vegetarian food in restaurants and it took some time for Mrs P to get her head around; thankfully, it's become much easier to eat out as a veggie and my mother is now one of the best cooks I know (of veggie and non-veggie food alike).

Like Jeremy Corbyn, the question of whether or not to become vegan is something I've been debating for the last few months. My problem: I love cheese and yoghurt too much (yes, tbey are also my main barrier to weight-loss).

I've been trying to eat more dairy-free meals without animal products over the last few months (think: burritos minus cheese and sour cream - yup, I'm such a millennial), but it's been tough at times and I need time to test myself without animal products for health reasons (relating to my CP).

Dear vegan friends, at your convincing, I'll probably try and go full vegan when I move down to London, but, for now, I think the best option is that I stick to my present flexi-veganism (CHEESE is my weakness): we all should try and eat less meat, fish, and dairy in our food and drink in order to help the planet, but it will take some adjustment. Food waste is something we really need to be talking about too, as far too much food just gets thrown away.

We are all human; it's okay to slip up and not be perfect sometimes.

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